Is A Learning Difference Creating Anxiety or Depression In Your Teen? A Guide From a Teen Therapist in Salt Lake City, UT

A learning difference/disability creates anxiety and depression in teens.

Image of a stressed teen girl biting hard on a pencil while working on a laptop. Discover how your teen's learning difference may be causing them depression or anxiety and how teen counseling in Salt Lake City, UT can help!

Most learning differences are not identified until the teen years. Even more troubling is that many people are never identified and are left to struggle alone. Equally troubling is that girls are often missed more than boys because their behaviors tend to be less oppositional and they fly under the radar because they are “nice and well-behaved”. All the time your child and now teen has not been identified as having learning differently they have been working really hard to meet the expectations of their teacher and parents. Despite all that hard work they keep falling short. This can erode their confidence tremendously and begin to set up their identity as not being smart. Read on to learn tips on supporting your teen and how teen counseling at Shade Tree Family Counseling can provide extra support.

What is a Learning Difference?

A learning difference is any identified way a person learns that does not match the way standard public education is designed to teach.

ADHD- Dyslexia- Dyscalculia-Dysgraphia

I like the new language of calling this a learning difference because it acknowledges that most people who struggle with the above list are actually very smart and can learn. But they need to learn in a way that is not normally provided in the public school system.

For teens the anticipation of being in a school environment day after day that does not teach to them is grueling. They deeply fear not understanding, disappointing people, or feeling embarrassed. This can be so emotionally taxing that they develop anxiety and/or depression symptoms. This may look like refusing to do work or stating that they do not care about learning. It can show up as disrespectful behavior to you or a teacher. It can look like not trying at all or disengaging altogether

Image of a stressed teen boy covering his face with his hands. Find support with a skill teen therapist in Salt Lake City, UT to help them manage their anxiety and depression.

This is avoidable.

If you suspect your child has a learning difference it is highly recommended to request testing as soon as possible from your school. You do not have to be sure, only curious. The school must legally test them if you make the request.

Next Steps to Help Support Your Teen’s Learning Difference

If your teen is identified with a learning difference you now have a tangible solution to supporting them and relieving their anxiety or depression.

Learn How Your Teen Learns

Learn as much as you can about how they learn. Understand their strengths and weaknesses. Identify all the needed interventions.

Get a Plan in Place For Your Teen

Get a 504 or IEP in place so that all the teachers understand your teen has a learning difference and can begin providing them with the style of learning they need.

Find Community Resources

Many public schools struggle to meet all the needs of children with learning differences. It is often necessary to seek support beyond the school. There are hundreds of local and national community groups that are dedicated to providing family support.

Online communities are super helpful. My personal favorites are Tilt Parenting and Neurodiversity Podcast. They have hundreds of bite-size resources and interviews of professionals in all types of learning differences. These communities will surely get you pointed in the right direction.

Find Support With Teen Counseling

Image of a teen girl sitting in a classroom with other students and a teacher. By supporting your teen with teen counseling in Salt Lake City, UT they can begin effectively managing their depression and anxiety.

Because a teen with a learning difference has likely been struggling to keep up in school since they were a child, they very likely have developed some negative self-identity as a “bad student” or worse a belief that “ I am stupid”. Teen Counseling in Salt Lake City, UT can help unwind these negative self-concepts. A skilled teen therapist will help them develop a positive understanding of how they learn. Ideally, they will develop confidence in advocating for their learning needs and soon be proud of their strengths instead of embarrassed about their differences.

The human world is filled with people of all learning styles and differences. This experience is unfortunately not recognized in standard school systems. But it does not have to be this way. The earlier in age you provide your kid support the more likely this learning difference will not create a mood disorder or be a defining element of their character. 

Manage Anxiety and Depression With Teen Counseling in Salt Lake City, UT

If you're a teen struggling is with anxiety and depression due to learning differences, you're not alone. It's crucial to seek support with teen counseling, tailored to your unique needs. Reach out to a qualified teen therapist at Shade Tree Family Counseling to start your journey toward understanding, coping, and thriving in a supportive environment. Your mental health matters and you deserve the help to navigate through these challenges and emerge stronger. Follow these three simple steps to get started:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if Teen Counseling is right for your teen

  2. Begin meeting with a skilled teen therapist

  3. Start managing your anxiety and depression with support

Other Services Offered at Shade Tree Family Counseling

At Shade Tree Family Counseling, we want to provide support for the whole family. So in addition to helping your teen with their anxiety and depression related to learning differences in teen counseling, our team offers EMDR-Trauma Therapy for those struggling to overcome past trauma and want to begin healing, and Teen Group Therapy for teens looking for extra support from those their own age. For more about teen counseling check out our blog!

Josie Bohling